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1. To prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against women and students in the collegeby promoting gender amenity.

2. To fulfill the directive of the Supreme Court for all employers to develop and implement apolicy against sexual harassment at the work place.

3. Formation of Internal complaint committee for the prevention and redressal of sexualharassment and gender based violence in the Campus.

4. Implementation of the written complaint through proper reporting and their follow-upprocedures.

5. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the violators depending on the nature andextent of injury caused.


1. The Internal Committee (IC) aims to protect students and women staff from any form ofsexual abuse.

2. Talks on gender sensitization

3. In the case of any incidence the complaint shall be in writing (typed/written) or throughgoogle form attached and signed by the aggrieved student/woman, relative /next friend/co-worker of the aggrieved woman. If unable to write, the complainant shall file a complaintorally, but documented by her witness, duly signed by the complainant. (SEXUALHARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION ANDREDRESSAL RULES, 2015).

Punishment for false complaint :-

If the Internal Committee arrives at a conclusion that the allegation against the respondent ismalicious/ false or misleading it may recommend to the competent authority to take actionagainst the person who has made the false complaint.

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