Academic year Title of Value Added Course Course Code  No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Registration Link
2024-25  Value added course on Solar Plant installation  EE/VAC/24-25/01  December-2024  32 hrs  VIEW
 Value added course on staganography CSE/VAC/24-25/01  January-2025  30 hrs  VIEW
 Value added course on Ethical hacking  CSE/VAC/24-25/02  February-2025  32hrs  VIEW
 Value added course on Web development


 February-2025  32hrs  VIEW
 Value added course on StaadPro  FY/VAC/24-25/01  January-2025  30hrs  VIEW
Academic year Title of Value Added Course Course Code  No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Registration Link
2023-24 Value Added Course on  Awareness in Computer Concepts FY/VAC/2023-24/01/ACC 4th - 9th Sep 2023 30 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Basic Design and Drafting by Auto CAD FY/VAC/2023-24/02/AutoCAD 19th - 27th Jan 2024 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Industrial Automation & Robotics FY/VAC/2023-24/03/IAR 1st - 6th Apr 2024 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course On Entrepreneurship Awareness Program CSE/VAC/23-24/01 07/08/2023 -12/08/2023 34 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course On Latest Trends in Virtual Reality CSE/VAC/23-24/02 06/11/2023-11/11/2023 34 Hrs Closed
Certificate Course on Advanced Excel & Power BI CSE/VAC/23-24/03 01/04/2024 - 05/04/2024 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on PCB Design ETC101-23 30.09.2023 - 28.10.2023 30 Hours Closed
Value Added Course on Robotics Arm ETC102-24 6/1/24-10/2/2024 (Every Saturday) 34 Hours Closed
Certification Course on Salesforce CRM ETC103-24 6/4/2024-11/05/2024(SATURDAY) 34 Hours Closed
Value Added Course on Enhanced programming skills using Python BTITV302 12.09.2023 TO 28.10.2023 32 hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Salesforce CRM & Data Connection BTITV502 09.09.2023 TO 03.11.2023 31 hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Digital Marketing BTITV802 01.02.2024 TO 24.02.2024 30 hrs Closed
Add on Course on Advances in Civil Engineering Software CE/VAC/23-24/01 25/10/2023 to 31/10/2023 34 Hrs Closed
Add On course on"Total Station" CE/VAC/23-24/02 04/09/2023 To 09/09/2023 34 Hrs Closed
Add on course on "Student Indusrty Interaction Programme" CE/VAC/23-24/03 18/03/2024 To 23/03/2024 34 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on "Data Analysis using Python Programming" GWVACEE232401 15.06.2023 To 06.07.2023 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added course on "Emerging Trends in Renewable energy" GWVACEE232402 03.10.2023 To 25.10.2023 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on "Electric Vehicle Fundamentals" GWVACEE232403 20.02.24 To 01.03.24 30 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Project Management GW/VAC/ME23-24/01 21/08/2023 TO 26/08/2023 34 HRS Closed
Value Added Course on3D Printing and Scanning GW/VAC/ME23-24/02 9/10/2023 TO 14/10/2023 34 HRS Closed
Add On Course on Lean Manufacturing GW/VAC/ME23-24/03 5/02/2024 TO 10/02/2024 34 HRS Closed
Value addded Course on Efficiency in English & Business communication EEBC-01 25.09.2023 to 16.10.2023 32 hours Closed
Value addded Course on Introduction to Mutual funds IMF-02 02.11.2023 - 28.12.2023 32 hours Closed
Value addded Course on Digital Marketing Communication DMC -03 01.02.2024 to 22.02.2024 32 hours Closed
Academic year Title of Value Added Course Course Code  No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Registration Link
2022-23 Value Added Course on English profeciency and soft skill development FY/VAC/2022-23/01/Soft Skill 19th - 24th Dec 2022 34 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on IoT and its Application FY/VAC/2022-23/02/IOT 11th - 17 th Mar 2023 32 Hrs Closed
Certificate Course On Data Visualization using Python 3.8 CSE/VAC/22-23/01 24/01/2023 - 31/01/2023 34 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Basics to advance from the scratch using Augmented Reality CSE/VAC/22-23/02 12/09/2022 - 16/09/2022 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Python 3.9 ETC23 08/03/2023-13/03/2023 32 Hours Closed
Add On Course on DevOps BTITV301 12.09.2022 TO 20.10.2022 30 hrs Closed
Value Added Course on App Design & Development using Android Studio BTITV501 17.08.2022 TO 06.10.2022 32 hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Advanced Industrial Course on Android development BTITV801 17.01.2023 TO 28.02.2023 32 hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Modern civil Engineering Software CE/VAC/22-23/01 10/04/2023 To 15/04/2023 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Advanced Engineering Surveying CE/VAC/22-23/02 06/09/2022 - 10/09/2022 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added course on "Solar PV design using PV System" GWVACEE232401 01.09.2022 To 13.09.2022 32 Hrs Closed
Certification Course on Embedded System GWVACEE232402 12.11.2022 To 23.11.2022 40 Hrs Closed
Value Aded Course on Smart Industrial Safety Solution GW/VAC/ME22-23/01 5/12/2022 TO 10/12/2022 32 HRS Closed
Value Added Course on Additives Manufacturing GW/VAC/ME22-23/02 9/01/2023 TO 14/01/2023 32 HRS Closed
Value addded Course on Basics of Principles of Management BPM01 16.01.2023 to 6.02.2023 32 hours Closed
Certificate Course on Essential to become entrepreneur EBE02 20.02.2023 - 13.03.2023 32 hours Closed
Academic year Title of Value Added Course Course Code  No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Registration Link
2021-22 Certification Course on PYTHON programming in Django Framework CSE/VAC/21-22/01 18/04/2022 to 22/04/2022 30 Hrs. Closed
Value added course on Analysis using ANSYS FY/VAC/2021-22/01/ANSYS 17.01.2022 - 22.01.2022 30 Hrs. Closed
Value Added Course on Technology based Training on ASP.Net CSE/VAC/2021-22/02 03.01.2022 - 07.01.2022 30 Hrs. Closed
Academic year Title of Value Added Course Course Code  No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Registration Link
2020-21 Certification Course on Lab view GWVACEE202101 03.04.2021 to 15.05.2021 32 hrs Closed
Academic year Title of Value Added Course Course Code  No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Registration Link
2019-20 Value Added Course on General Aptitude FY/VAC/2019-20/01/GA 31.01.2020 to 07.02.2020 30 Hrs Closed
Certification course on MATLAB  GWCCEE192001 06.07.2019 to 23.07.2019 42 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Introduction to CREO GW/VAC/ME19-20/01 04.01. 2020 to 10.01.2020 34 Hrs Closed
Add on Course on AutoCAD CE/VAC/19-20/01 20.07.2019 to 26.07.2019 32 Hrs Closed
Value Added Course on Verilog: A digital design Language ETC_19-20/01 13/1/2020-18/1/2020 30 Hours Closed
Value Added Course on Fundamentals of Python Programming CSE/VAC/19-20/01 19.08.2019-23.08.2019 30 Hrs Closed
Certificate Course on Oracle DBA CSE/VAC/19-20/02 13.07.2019 to 31.07.2019 30 Hours Closed
Certification course on CCNA ETC_19-20/02 3/06/2020-5/6/2020 12 Hours Closed